Foster Parent Hub

Forms, Files and Answers for all Foster Parents


Various Resources for foster parents and for anyone interested in becoming a foster parent.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you get many babies in TFC?

Currently, we are not accepting adopt only families who wish to adopt a baby. This is because the children already legally free for adoption are older children. In order to be considered as an “adopt only” family with Hope Hill, a family must be willing to commit to the children who are currently awaiting adoption. These children include:

  • Children over the age of 5
  •  Children who are part of a sibling group
  • Children who have moderate/severe physical, medical, emotional, behavioral, and/or educational needs.

Will I know prior to getting a child if that child's goal is adoption?

It’s very rare to know if a child’s goal is adoption when they first come into care. Sometimes children’s goals change to adoption when they are in a foster-only home, the social worker will look for an adoptive home to place that child or children.

How long does it take to get a child after my home is open?

We cannot guarantee a specific date or time frame for placing a child in your home. A lot of factors affect placement, such as a child needing a specific school district, race/religion preference, needing a two-parent home vs. a single parent, ability to be placed with other children, etc. Also, your own preferences may affect wait time.

The more open to behaviors, ages, and differences you are, as well as your demonstration of therapeutic skills, the sooner you may get a placement. However, all parties involved must agree that this will be a good match. Please be patient with this process.

How many children am I allowed to foster at once?

That depends on factors such as your ability, your resources, how many children you have of your own, and how much room you have in your home. The maximum number is determined by the Department of Community Base Services.

Do you assist with additional beds if I accept on a large sibling group?

We will work you and resources that are available to help find beds at short notice.

How much does Foster Care pay?

At the present time we issue checks twice a month.

How long does it take to open us up?

We work with families to become licensed within 90 days, which can vary based on family availability

Need Anything Else?

If you have any further needs, contact or visit one of the appropriate addresses below and we'd love to help!

(Hope) Hope Hill

700 Hope Hill Rd.
Hope, KY 40334

General Information
(606) 548-5640

Hazard Hope Hill

404 Memorial Dr.
Hazard, KY 41701